Selected Articles and Book Chapters
“Backlots of the World War: Cinecittà 1942-1950.”
In the Studio: Visual Creation and Its Material Environments, ed. Brian Jacobson. University of California Press, 2020.
“Elemental Housing: Giuseppe Pagano’s Neorealist Ethos”
Giuseppe Pagano: Design and Social Change in Fascist Italy, ed. Flavia Marcello. Bristol and Chicago: Intellect, 2020.
“Documentary Poetics as a Field of Action: Cecilia Mangini’s Essere donne.” On Women’s Films: Across Worlds and Generations, eds. Ivone Margulies and Jeremi Szaniawski. London: Bloomsbury, 2019.
“We Had Faces Then.” from The Face on Film (Oxford University Press, 2017)
“Cinema’s Poetics of History.” Modern Italy 22.2 (2017): special issue: Cinema and the Nation.
“Antonioni on the iPhone.” Letter-essay for La galassia Casetti. Lettere di amicizia, stima, provocazione (The Casetti galaxy. Letters of friendship, esteem, provocation), eds. Ruggero Eugeni and Mariagrazia Fanchi. Milan: Vita & Pensiero, 2017.
“Pass/Fail: the Antonioni Screen Test.” Framework Journal of Cinema and Media 55.2, Fall 2014.
* Please see revised and expanded version in my book The Face on Film
* Italian version: “Promossa/bocciata: Il “Promossa/bocciata: Il provino.” Michelangelo Antonioni: Prospettive, culture, politiche, spazi, eds. Alberto Boschi and Francesco Di Chiara. Milano: Il Castoro, 2015.
“Of the Face: In Reticence.” Film, Art, New Media: Museum without Walls? ed. Angela Dalle Vacche. London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2012.
“Incoherent Spasms and the Dignity of Signs.” Opening Bazin, ed. Dudley Andrew. NY: Oxford University Press, 2011.
* Please see revised and expanded version in my book The Face on Film
* “Spasmes incohérents et dignité des signes: le Bresson de Bazin,” Ouvrir Bazin, eds. Hervé Joubert-Laurencin and Dudley Andrew. Montreuil (France): Éditions de l’œil, 2014. [link] (French version)
“The Cinecittà Refugee Camp, 1944-1950.” October 128, Spring 2009. Reviewed in
* Italian version in two parts “Cinecittà campo profughi, 1944-1950.” Part 1 in Bianco e nero 560 (Nov. 2008); part 2 in Bianco e nero 561/562 (May 2009).
* Reprinted in The Place of the Moving Image, eds. by John David Rhodes and Elena Gorfinkel. University of Minnesota Press, 2011.
* Hebrew version in In Response to an Italian Captain: Aliya Bet from Italy, 1945-1948. Exhibition catalogue on the Jewish-Italian immigration, Museum Eretz Israel, Tel Aviv, 2016.
“Cinecittà irreale: appunti attorno a un campo profughi” [historiographical consideration of the Cinecittà project]. Neorealismo e presente dell’immagine, ed. Luca Venzi. Rome: Ente dello Spettacolo, 2008.
“What the Clerk Saw: Face to Face with The Wrong Man.” Framework Journal of Cinema and Media 48.2, Fall 2007.
* Please see revised and expanded version in my book The Face on Film
* “Quel che vide l’impiegata: faccia a faccia con The Wrong Man.” Dentro l’analisi: soggetto, senso, emozioni. Turin, It.: Kaplan 2008. (Italian version)
“Visuality and Viscera.” The Five Senses of Cinema, eds. Alice Autelitano et. al. Udine, It.: Forum, 2005.
“In Memoriam David Perlov.” Commemorative essay for Ha’aretz Literary Supplement [Israel], December 31, 2004.
* Longer English and Portuguese versions in David Perlov Retrospective Catalog, eds. Patrícia Mourão and Ilana Feldman, Brazilian Cinematheque of São Paulo, 2011.
“Photographic Verismo, Cinematic Adaptation, and the Staging of a Neorealist Landscape.” Film and Literature: A Reader, ed. Robert Stam. London: Blackwell Publishers, 2004.
“Padre Padrone / Father and Master.”
The Cinema of Italy, ed. Giorgio Bertellini. London and New York: Wallflower Press, 2004.
“From the Air: A Genealogy of Antonioni’s Modernism.” Camera Obscura, Camera Lucida: Essays in Honor of Annette Michelson, eds. Richard Allen and Malcolm Turvey. Amsterdam University Press, 2003.
* Italian version “Dall’aere: una genealogia del modernismo di Antonioni.” Il Nuovo Spettatore 7 (2003).
* Abridged version “Regionalism to Modernism: Antonioni, 1939.” Deterritorialisations: Revisioning Landscapes and Politics, eds. Mark Dorrian and Gillian Rose. London: Black Dog Publishing, 2003.
“Pasolini on Terra Sancta: Towards a Theology of Film.” Yale Journal of Criticism, vol. 11, no. 1 (1998).
* Reprinted in “Pasolini on Terra Sancta: Towards a Theology of Film.” Rites of Realism: Essays on Corporeal Cinema, ed. Ivone Margulies. Duke University Press, 2003.
* Please see revised and expanded version in the chapter from my book Italian Locations: “Archaic: Pasolini on the Face of the Earth.”